Mailing Address: ( Not our office Location )
Suite # 398 – 1434 Ironwood Street
Campbell River, BC
V9W 5T5 Canada
By Telephone:
Toll Free (N. America): 1-888-455-8101
Phone: (250) 850-1101

.Office Location:
Our floating office is located in the Discovery Harbour Marina (G dock) in Campbell River. Use the southern ramp at the Discovery Harbour Marina. As you go down the ramp look to your left and observe the signs on our building. See our office photo above and check out the Google pinpoint map below for our exact location.
*Paid parking is available in the parking area near our location (between C and G docks). The ticket booth is near the main gate at the south entrance to the Marina. *
You can also have free parking at the south end of the parking area, when looking towards A and C docks in the Marina, just observe the signs.
Aboriginal Journeys
Via Highway
Campbell River is easily reached via the Inland Island Highway (19) or by the more scenic Oceanside Route (19A). Located 264 km (165 miles) north of Victoria and only 153 km (95 miles) north of Nanaimo.
Via Sea
BC Ferry systems with large car capacities connect Vancouver Island at both Victoria and Nanaimo from the mainland with frequent departures throughout the day at Tsawassen and Horseshoe Bay.
Via Air
The Campbell River and District Regional Airport connects Vancouver International Airport with regularly scheduled service many times daily.